March 2, 2010

Why Can't I Lose Weight?!?

This is a question I often get asked in my practice.
If you’re asking this question, the good news is you haven't given up hope and you still want to know why you can't lose weight so you can do something about it! That's a good thing, really.
Because I have noticed that some people just give up trying and decide that nothing can help. They usually blame themselves, their lack of willpower, a bad gene pool or something that seems insurmountable.
Or they don’t want to try again because it means they might fail again.
I understand.  It's a scary thing to uncover hidden barriers to success.  It's sometimes easier just to keep things the way they are. 
The problem is if you are feeling lousy about yourself right now, and do nothing, what do you think your life will be like in a year from now?  In five years?  In 10?
The truth is, there are many hidden forces that contribute to your weight gain and storage of fat that are really not your fault! Uncovering these forces provides you with the simple keys to unlocking your fat stores and shedding the pounds forever.
Some examples of hidden forces I can help you uncover and overcome are:
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Mineral imbalance
  • Foods or toxins that trigger fat storing and inhibit fat burning 
  • Stressors that create fat storage
  • The wrong type of exercise for your body type
  • Psychological factors

When these hidden forces are cleared up, you can set free the body's need to hold on to that extra fat.
Let's find out what yours might be. If you can identify your own personal challenges standing in your way, then you can handle them.  How does that sound to you?
And, it will cost you nothing but a few minutes of your time.
Simply click on my link to your weight loss analysis quiz and answer the questions.  I will get back to you with the answers so we can zero in on your specific weight loss challenges.  Go to  and enter practitioner code 445-10400.
Together we can identify the single most important factor standing in your way of a slim and healthy body and you can then get started right away.
Very soon, you will be able to Smile And Be Thin again!
Cheering you on to health,

February 26, 2010

6 Myths of Weight Control

My heart goes out to you if you’ve tried every exercise program and equipment out there, all sorts of low calorie programs , maybe B12 shots, colon cleanses and liposuction, or even a lap band – especially if you’re not seeing the results you want.
I don’t know if you’ll believe me, but you have most likely been taught diet MYTHS (or as I call them – LIES) that actually cause you to gain and keep your fat.

Here six of the myths that have steered you in precisely the wrong direction:

  1.  If you increase your exercise and decrease your calories you will lose weight.
  2. Eating fat makes you fat.
  3. Eating no or low carbs makes you skinny.

February 5, 2010

To the Heart of the Matter

As I sit at my writing table the sun is shining through the window and it looks and sounds like spring outside!

Midwinter sunshine is a rare and delightful surprise and never fails to lift one's spirit with a hopeful feeling, no matter what the groundhog says.

In these challenging economic times I find it most helpful to notice the little things that spark tiny glimmers of joy and light up a smile inside the heart.

That's how I was led to Inspirations of the Heart internet radio and came across the talk show series "Overcoming Adversities" with host, Catherine Van Wetter.

A serendipitous surprise emerged when I tuned in to listen to guest Colleen Russell, (contributing author of the recent bestseller Overcomers,Inc.) who happens to live not 5 miles from me!

Well, as one introduction led to another I was invited to be a talk show guest on the Overcoming Adversities series and it will air live this Wednesday, February 10th at 11 am PST!

So I am writing to invite you and your friends to the show, entitled "When Life Hands You Lemons..."

The show information is at

Call in number is (646) 915-9415 11:00 am, PST.

You may join the conversation live

or later, visit Inspirations Of The Heart Radio Blog for the recorded call.

I and my coauthors will be discussing how we came together, to support each other through our individual adversities and ended up forming a company with a mission to support others in the same manner.

And how we wrote and published our book Emotional Stimulus Package: Re Creating Your American Dream, and created a workshop and other services and products together in the past year and have still never met in person!

Hope to see you there!

From the Heart,


February 1, 2010

Why Detox? Part 2: Foods That Detoxify

The word "detoxification" conjures up all sorts of reactions these days.

It has been interpreted to mean different things to different people. Medically, detoxification is most often viewed as a withdrawal method for drug or alcohol dependency.

To others it might mean a spiritual ritual.

For most of us, however detoxification is a healing strategy-- particularly if we suffer with chronic pain, fatigue, allergies, immune disorders, musculoskeletal problems, depression, brain fog, digestive complaints, headaches, cancers, arthritis and many other ailments.

Did you know that your body goes through its own natural cycles of detoxification, mostly during the night?

While you are resting, the body's job is to repair, replenish, and replace parts so that you are ready to go in the morning.

So, if you are waking up stiff and sore, or are not feeling rested, alert and ready to go in the morning then your body has not been able to do its proper job during the night.

Your body, if given the correct raw materials and not over-burdened, is an amazingly efficient waste treatment plant. The problem is that in our modern world we are living, breathing and eating in a toxic soup. (refer to last week’s blog 1/25/2010)

The best way to detox the body is to provide quality raw materials it needs to clean out the elimination pathways and filter and convert the toxins to water soluble compounds that can be eliminated

There are certain foods that help the body's natural detoxification mechanisms.

They are, of course, naturally grown foods in the form of vegetables and fruits.

Here are just some of the more helpful foods:

Lemons, oranges, caraway and pumpkin seeds, beets, endive, and escarole, the cruiciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, watercress etc.), spinach, tomatoes, peas, yams, dandelion, kale, radish, garlic, cilantro, grapes, and berries.

Some of the more helpful herbs are: yarrow, chamomile, peppermint, milk thistle burdock, yucca root, siberian ginseng, chicory, and radicchio.

Isn't that great? Nature has provided us with all these plants and more so that we can live healthy, happy and long lives in spite of ourselves.

What is definitely NOT on this list?

Big Macs, corn dogs, pasteurized dairy products, diet sodas, bagels, pastas, breads and cereals, low fat and fat free snacks. "healthy heart" products, etc. You get the idea.

These processed products erroneously described by some as "foods" are made with human ingenuity which alas, cannot hope to meet the standards that nature has set for us.

Where ever did we get the notion of 'better living through chemistry?'

Next Week "Do's and Don'ts of an Effective Detox."

January 25, 2010

Why Detox? Part 1

Never before, in the history of the world, have humans been exposed to such a magnitude of chemicals, toxins and pollutants with devastating effects on our health.

In Way back in 1989 the EPA reported that 6 trillion pounds of chemical toxins were dumped in the U.S. in one year, alone. Can you imagine what havoc we are continuing to wreak on the planet?

Studies show that 100% of adults have synthetic and industrial chemicals like dioxins and PCB's stored in our bodies.

There are also heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic, as well as pesticides, pollutants, pharmaceuticals, plastics and food additives and too many others to list. These are being dumped into our rivers and streams and carried by air currents around the globe.

Polar bears are dying from eating seals who store these toxins in their fat. A recent televised news report stated that "the tissues of the Inuit peoples of Greenland can be classified as toxic waste."

Your body is divinely designed. It is designed to keep surviving as long as your spirit needs to be here. As such, it will do whatever it can within its design to handle stress and keep you surviving.

With a toxic overload what it must do is store what it cannot get rid of or what substances will cause you harm and death if allowed to be assimilated.

So, where does the body store toxins?

In your fat cells, just like little storage sheds.

Your body is protecting you by building those fat cells around your middle that you can't seem to get rid of. You know -- the flat tire that hangs over your belt even though you have tried every diet aide and get-slim-quick trick in the book.

Your body, in its infinite wisdom will not dump fat cells unless you first get rid of the toxins. In other words, if there isn't a safe and clear exit route for those toxins, they will stay stored in your fat.

And, if the body does not have the proper tools to transform the toxic substances to a less harmful substance so it can safely leave the body, then it will continue to store it in the fat.

Did you know that the trans fat in a single french fry stays in your body for 102 days? Where do you think it hangs out?

So, to counteract this problem of toxification and fat storage we need to get good nutrients into our bodies, and the toxic substances out.

Many people think that fasting is a way to detoxify.

Well, this will stop the burden train from piling up more stuff temporarily in our bodies, but it often weakens an already starved body and does not help to actually get rid of toxic burden.

You then get extremely hungry and wolf down the nearest high calorie junk food in an attempt to satisfy the craving for energy your body desperately needs.

The best way to detox the body is to provide quality raw materials it needs to clean out the elimination pathways and filter and convert the toxins to water soluble compounds that can be eliminated.